MOTO CORSE Complete Bikes DXC 2018
English Japanese
2017年 春。 第44回 東京 モーターサイクルショーにて発表させていただきました MOTO CORSE コンプリートバイク DXC。
同系統モデルであるDIAVELよりもロー & ロングのワイドなライディングポジションによりクルーザーとしての性質を特化させたXDIAVEL。DUCATI歴代モデルの中で最大の排気量 1262ccを誇り最新の電子デバイスにてコントロールされるテスタストレッタ DVTエンジンを搭載するXDIAVELが秘められたDUCATI DNAに裏付けられた本質を大胆な発想とともにスポーツモデルヘ昇華させたのがDXCコンセプト。この DXCがさらに磨きを掛けられた2018モデル バージョンとしてアップデートされました。
極太インナーチューブ 径48mmとCNC アルミニウム ボトムクランプを持つMOTO CORSE / OHLINS R&T FGRTフロントフォークを、同じくCNC アルミニウムのステアリング トルプルクランプにて装着。そしてテスタストレッタ DVTエンジンの重要な顔とも言えるタイミングベルトカバーにMOTO CORSEだけのカーボンファイバー製に変更。メインフレームやスイングアームカラーを落ち着きと深い味わいのあるチタニウムゴールドへ変更するなど今回のアップデートによりDXCはさらに洗練された雰囲気を醸し出しています。
イタリア ミラノで開催された世界最大のモーターサイクルショー EICMA 2017でも、DXCは美しさと他で類を見ない斬新なコンセプトにより高い評価を得ています。
XDIAVEL was released as the first cruiser model of Ducati, which has its engine was newly developed as Testastretta DVT. This engine performs 152hp maximum power and the displacement 1262cc is the largest displacement in the history of Ducati. XDIAVEL is totally different model against DIAVEL. XDIAVEL designed as low & long style and its riding position is up-lighted position with forwarded foot peg. But the character of XDIAVEL’s engine controlled by the latest technology of electric device shows awesome performance when we fully opened throttle. Therefore, we have found XDIAVEL is Sport model designed with Ducati-DNA. Then we have looked anew for the essence of XDIAVEL under the concept with a refined styling as sport model in MOTO CORSE Style. Unfortunately, the riding position of the standard XDIAVEL is not very comfortable because the rider has to bear his full body weight on his back sitting heavily on the seat which is very hard indeed on a pot holed on road. The riding position of the DXC is remarkable converting the XDIAVEL from cruiser to sport model. This riding position is due to a lower positioned handlebar, a rear set made by CNC aluminium, mounted on a frame pivot plate and a sports seat in real leather with a new design of progressive diamond quilting stitches. The DXC is also equipped with OHLINS R&T front forks, OHLINS rear shock absorber, Alth Supervent ventilated floating brake discs and an STM dry clutch conversion kit Evoluzione-GP. Indeed, we have set up all the equipment with adjustable to maintain the overall balance of our DXC, then the DXC rider can enjoy his riding with more aggressive body weight shifting control.
XDIAVELでスポーツライディングを楽しむためのDXC コンセプトの要。純正装着フットペグのポジションから最大 55cm後方へ移動したCNC アルミニウム製 ライディングステップ。立体的な3Dデザインとソリッド感で車体のマッシブさを強調。表面は緻密なトラスデザインの肉抜きが施されたステップサポートとレバー。軽量でありながら剛性を両立させるモノコックコンセプトは驚きのグリップ力を発揮するラジアル スクエアブロックコンセプト フットペグと、ともにスポーツライディング時に要求されるステップの役割をしっかりと受け止め積極的なライディングのための必需品です。
Monocoque concept designed rear set
We developed a rear set made by CNC aluminium designed by DXC concept to enjoy the sport riding on XDIAVEL. The position of both foot pegs is mounted on frame pivot plates and is moved backwards 55cm from the position of the XDIAVEL’s genuine foot pegs. Thanks to the monocoque concept design (surface is three dimensional in solid state, the back is precisely machined in a truss design), this rear set balances enough stiffness and weight reduction to control sport riding and emphasises the compact qualities of our DXC with both foot pegs of Moto Corse design -named the “Radial Block Square Edge Concept Foot Peg” which actually grips the soles of the riders boots increasing safety especially when spirited riding.
モノコックコンセプト CNC アルミニウム製 ライディングステップと合わせXDIAVELでスポーツライディングを楽しむためのDXC コンセプトのもうひとつの要であるスポーツライディングシート。 純正装着シートに対し座面をプラス10cmアップすることで適度な前傾姿勢と思い通りの体重移動が可能です。ひざの曲げ角が大幅に改善された事によりひざへの負担も軽減されました。カーフレザーを用いたスペシャルシートスキンと新設計のプログレッシブ ダイヤモンドスティッチ デザインが醸し出す特別感溢れる風合いは、DXC がひとめでMOTO CORSE コンプリートバイクであることを特徴づけています。
High positioned sport riding seat with special leather
The special leather seat is also an important equipment for the DXC concept of enjoying sport riding, the seat height is raised 10cm higher than the original XDIAVEL item. This seat position provides a forward leaning riding position which together with the CNC aluminum rear sets and the seat made in real leather with MOTO CORSE original progressive diamond quilting stitches, brings an gorgeous and appearance and emphasises that DXC is immediately MOTO CORSE at first view, the sport riding seat emphasises the flowing style from fuel tank to the duck-tail designed rear seat fairing made in carbon fibre.
上下にそれぞれ異なる角度で配置されチタニウム製 スリップオンサイレンサーは製品重量3.3kgとXDIAVEL 純正装着サイレンサーの重量9.8kgに対し6.5kg(-66%)も軽量。CNC 5軸マシニングセンターにより削り出された戦闘機の噴射口を想わせるデザインのアルミニウム製 エンドキャップを持つショートタイプのサイレンサーは上下で径が異なりそれらを絶妙に異なる角度に配置。
DUCATI らしい小気味良いエクゾーストサウンドと大幅な軽量化による動力性能を向上させるだけでなくロングホイールベースのXDIAVEL にスピード感溢れるアグレッシブな雰囲気をもたらしています。
Titanium slip-on tear-drop round-tapered dual silencer
DXC is equipped with titanium slip-on round-tapered dual silencer. Two silencers have CNC aluminium end caps modelled on the jet port of fighter air craft, which are produced by a CNC 5 axle machining centre - they are designed with different diameters and mounted at different angles. The weight of this “DVXI” silencer is 3.3kg and lighter 6.8kg, 66% than the original silencers of XDIAVELwith 9.8kg. This titanium slip-on DVXI silencer produces more power and a dynamic riding performance to our DXC with a very exotic exhaust note.
OHLINS サスペンション
MOTO CORSEがXDIAVELのために開発したOHLINS製 フロントフォークとリアショックアブソーバー。CNC アルミニウム ハンドルバーライザー & トリプルクランプによりマウントされる極太48mmのインナーチューブ径のR&T フロントフォークは、XDIAVELの車体をいっそう力強く演出。S46 タイプリアショックとともに、OHLINSならではのしなやかでリニアなライディングフィールは、スポーツライディングからクルージングまであらゆるシーンにおいてワンランク上のパフォーマンスと上質な乗り心地をもたらしてくれるDXCコンセプトの必需品です。
OHLINS R&T front forks kit with CNC aluminum steering triple tree
MOTO CORSE developed OHLINS Road & Track front forks and OHLINS rear shock absorber especially for DXC. These fully adjustable OHLINS 48mm upside down R&T front forks and S46 type rear shock absorber is necessary to upgrade your riding with an XDIAVEL. Our OHLINS front forks are mounted with CNC aluminum triple clamps and handle bar riser changing the feeling of the XDIAVEL altogether.
Alth ブレーキディスク
Alth製 SUPER VENT ベンチレーテッドブレーキディスクをフロント、リアともに装備。6mm厚でありながらベンチレーテッド構造により同径ディスクよりも軽量なSUPER VENTは信頼感ある絶妙なタッチのブレーキフィーリングで実にコントローラーブル。そのスペシャルな質感とともにブレーキを操る面白さが満喫出来、XDIAVEL のライディングをさらに楽しくしてくれます。
Alth Supervent ventilated floating brake disc
DXC is equipped with Alth brake discs - Supervent series, ventilated and floating brake for the front and rear brake system. This is the product of Alth in Italy. The outer disc of the Supervent brakedisc is made by CNC machining in stainless steel is allowing air to flow through and providing cooling, but while the thickness is 6mm – the same as the Alth racing type FR series, in this case it is lighter than the FR series by over 15% because of the ventilated structure. Alth Supervent discs provide a stable, light braking performance not affected any temperature change permitting controllable and high-quality performance, a necessity to enjoying sport motorcycle riding.
STM ドライクラッチ
STM製 ドライクラッチ コンバージョンキット Evo-GPタイプはメカニカルな美しさと乾式クラッチ特有の切れのよい操作感をもたらします。スポーツライディングだけでなくクルージング時もSTMならではの絶妙なエンジンブレーキコントロールがシフトダウン時の過⼤なエンジンブレーキから⾞体姿勢を安定させ安⼼のライディングをもたらすだけでなく、XDIAVELのベルトドライブへの不必要な負荷を軽減させます。何といってもクラッチを操る楽しさが増える事が⼀番のメリットかもしれません。
STM Dry slipper clutch conversion kit
STM Dry slipper clutch Conversion Kit Evoluzione-GP brings out a mechanical beauty and fine feel to clutch operation, not only for sports riding but also cruising, the perfect engine brake control unique to the STM slipper clutch can stabilize the DXC from excessive engine braking effect when downshifting for safer riding and reducing the load on the belt drive system and other important engine components. The STM dry clutch also produces very gently clutch operation without clutch judder. This is a very important asset, especially for the rider who is inexperienced with a dry clutch system, but we are sure that the most satisfaction gained will be manipulating the clutch in the same way as a Ducati dry clutch model.
Frame | Tubular steel Trellis frame / Powder coat painting: Titanium-Gold |
Swing Arm | Single sided cast/trellis frame swing arm / Aluminum anodized: Titanium-Gold |
Steering | MOTO CORSE CNC aluminum steering triple clamp / Aluminum anodized: Titanium-Gold |
Engine | Makes : DUCATI / Cooling : Liquid cooled / Type : Testastretta DVT, L-Twin desmodoromically actuated valves per cylinder, Dual spark |
Displacement | 1262cc |
Bore x Stroke | 106mm x 71.5mm |
Compression ratio | 13:1 |
Power | 112kW (152hp) @9,500rpm |
Torque | 126Nm (12.8kgm) @5,000rpm |
Fuel feeding | Bosch fuel injection system / ECU : Mitsubishi | MOTO CORSE Special mapping / Throttle body : φeq 56mm Oval throttle bodies |
Ignition | |
Exhaust system | MOTO CORSE Titanium slip-on Tear-drop Round-tapered dual silencers |
Transmission | 6 speeds |
Final gear ratio | Belt, Front sprocket Z28, Rear sprocket Z80 / CNC light weight modified rear sprocket |
Clutch | Type : STM dry clutch conversion kit Evo-GP with hydraulic control / Master cylinder : brembo Radial clutch CNC GP master cylinder 16X18mm / Slave cylinder : STM CNC slave cylinder 28mm |
Dimensions | 2300mm x 815mm x 1100mm |
Wheel base | 1615mm |
Rake x Trail | 28° (STD 30°) 130mm |
Front suspension | Makes : MOTO CORSE , OHLINS / Type : R&T Fully adjustable 48mm Up-side down front forks (Available with CNC aluminum steering triple clamps) / Front wheel travel : 120mm |
Rear suspension | Makes : MOTO CORSE , OHLINS / Type : S46 Fully adjustable single shock absorber / Rear wheel travel : 110mm |
Front brake | Master cylinder : brembo Radial brake CNC GP master cylinder 19x18mm / Brake caliper : (brembo Radial CNC caliper GP4RX P4-32/32) / Brake disc : Alth Supervent 320mm ventilated floating brake disc, Double |
Rear brake | Master cylinder : brembo Street master cylinder PS11 / Brake caliper : brembo Supersport CNC caliper P2-34 / Brake disc : Alth Supervent 265mm ventilated floating brake disc, Single |
Wheel | Makes : BST / Type : Carbon wheels, Straight spokes design / Front : MT3.50 X 17 Grossy transparent painting / Rear : MT8.50 X 17 Grossy transparent painting |
Tyre | Makes : PIRELLI / Front : 120/70ZR17 DIABLO SUPERCORSA SC1 / Rear : 240/45ZR17 DIABLO ROSSOⅡ |
Seat height | 855mm (STD 755mm +100mm) |
Fuel tank capacity | 18L |
Number of rider | 1 |
Dry weight | 199kg (STD 220kg -21kg/-9.5%) |
Wet weight | 226kg (STD 247kg) |
Body color | Matt black, Grossy transparent chrome metal line / Frame pivot plate, Titanium-Gold anodized / Rear suspension link plate, Titanium-Gold anodized / Rear frame, Titanium-Gold powder coating |
CNC accessories | MOTO CORSE CNC aluminum Monocoque concept rear set / MOTO CORSE CNC aluminum Radial Block Square Edge Concept foot pegs / MOTO CORSE CNC aluminum Ohlins rear shock absorber reservoir tank holder / MOTO CORSE CNC aluminum quick open type fuel tank cap |
Protections | MOTO CORSE Titanium water radiator protection screen / MOTO CORSE Titanium oil cooler protection screen |
DBT accessories | MOTO CORSE Patented DBT design titanium frame plugs set / MOTO CORSE Patented DBT design titanium handle bar ends set / MOTO CORSE Patented DBT design LH crank case cover plug / MOTO CORSE Patented DBT design front axle slider with titanium screws / MOTO CORSE CNC aluminum 3 handle spinner and rear axle slider with titanium screws |
Carbon products | MOTO CORSE Carbon front fender / MOTO CORSE Carbon rear fender / MOTO CORSE Carbon instrument cover / MOTO CORSE Carbon rear splash guard / MOTO CORSE Carbon L.H. frame cover / MOTO CORSE Carbon timing belt cover / MOTO CORSE Carbon vertical timing belt cover air duct / MOTO CORSE Carbon horizontal timing belt cover air duct / MOTO CORSE Carbon oil cooler center cover / MOTO CORSE Carbon oil cooler cover / MOTO CORSE Caron seat tail heat cover / MOTO CORSE Carbon headlight fairing / MOTO CORSE Carbon L.H. cable protection / MOTO CORSE Carbon seat tail side covers set / MOTO CORSE Carbon frame side panels set / MOTO CORSE Carbon water radiator side covers set / MOTO CORSE Carbon silencer support & RH foot peg protection / MOTO CORSE Carbon rear seat duck-tail designed fairing |
Seat | MOTO CORSE Calf-leather Progressive design diamond quilting stitch / MOTO CORSE High positioned sport riding seat |